My name is Elena. I would like to share with you my testimony about the pilgrimage to the village of Ozernoe to the temple to the Queen of Peace.

Our journey began early in the morning from the village of Shortandy on July 15. Thanks to the director of the Charitable Foundation “Caritas-Astana” and our rector, Pr. Leszek Smakosh, this trip was organized.
On two buses we went to Ozerny with prayers and songs.
The first stop was at the lake near the statue of the Virgin Mary. There we all prayed and inspired went to the Temple, where we were warmly welcomed by the rector Pr. Mariusz.
There were 40 of us on this trip and for many this was the first pilgrimage.
For me personally, this was not the first pilgrimage to this Holy place, but every time everything seems to be the first time. New people, new priests, new experiences. At the Holy Mass, it is always very exciting and joyful from the upcoming meeting with the living God. The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, performed by Archbishop Tomasz Peta, passed very beautifully.
After Holy Mass there was a delicious lunch and an interesting conversation about the sick.
Then we went to the monastery to the Carmelite sisters. Together with them we prayed the Holy Rosary and several people received the Holy Scapular.
After this trip, I feel filled with joy, love and peace.
Thanks a lot to Pr. Leszek @leszeksmakosz for organizing such a trip. It change people for the better.