The results of the Lenten piggy bank

For several years, the Lenten Piggy Bank project has been operating in Kazakhstan. Everyone who wishes during Great Lent can collect money in a cardboard piggy bank, and on Palm Sunday bring it to the Temple.

During Lent, we make a sacrifice in the form of refusing something – for example, not buying sweets, cigarettes, not going to the movies, etc. And this money can be invested in a piggy bank and the collected amount will go to a good cause.

This year 15 parishes took part in this project. And together we collected a pretty decent amount – 929 337 tenge.

We spent 279 360 tenge out of the collected money – this is assistance to large, low-income families.

Thank you to everyone who took part in such a necessary project!

The results of the Lenten piggy bank
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